Pre-emptive Steps to Reducing Risk

In the medical field, it’s important to be preemptive. Paying attention to your body, habits, and shifts along the way can help you stay attuned and involved before a potential problem becomes an actual problem. The same is true in the shipping business; we work to pay attention to things right from the source of an order, and in a sustained way throughout the supply-chain to both avoid problems and to efficiently fix them should something unexpected arise.
There’s a lot to pay attention to every step of the way in shipping sensitive materials. Our first concern is always what’s needed by your business in terms of content and time. Establishing direct, connected, and transparent communication from the beginning staves off tons of potential issues down the road (or clouds), because it creates an open channel where both parties know what’s happening.
At ShipCritical, we strive for a balance between places of business knowing they can trust us fully and still encouraging those places to be involved. Your full trust in our abilities include things like: knowledge of how to treat materials with sensitivity in terms of temperature control, how to package with safety and efficiency in mind, putting competent and caring individuals in charge at each step along the way, and applying up-to-date technologies as they occur (we do the research so you don’t have to). Your business can be as involved as it would like, from asking questions, to tracking your shipment with our GPS system. We aim to be both wholly trustworthy and entirely accessible to customer concerns.
Efficiency has to be thorough, not sloppy. Our measures right from the source to make sure elements of the operation from packaging to tracking to continued communication manage risks by creating less possibility for them and the ability for swift response should spontaneous ones arise.