Boosting Your Trade Show Marketing Plan

You use trade shows year after year as part of your marketing equation for good reason. They can help create a stronger brand, generate the leads you need, and reinforce those relationships you already have.
Trade shows redefine that perfect way to get face-time with buyers. It’s why so many of your competitors show up too, so how can you make sure your next trade show is a success, even if you’re stuck in a booth next to your competitor? These tips can help.
- Choose the Right Trade Show Shipping Company: This one is almost a given. You’re not going to impress if you can’t work out the logistics, and we can help. We have 24/7 dedicated tradeshow teams designed to help you make it work. We understand the unique requirements of shipping to both convention centers and smaller venues. We have relationships locally at every major convention hall. We understand the check in process & how to work with the general contractors who are responsible for unloading your exhibit. We are familiar with weight tickets, martialing yards and drayage. Our expertise prevents unnecessary delays and gets your shipment delivered ON TIME.
- Get the Right Show: As with getting your stuff to the actual show, choosing the right show is essential. Find the shows where vertical market clients gather to get the best exposure, then create the perfect approach for that show.
- Go for the Interactive: People don’t want static anymore. It just doesn’t work the way it once did. Adding interactive technologies like videos, demo tools, and more are going to help you get the leads you really want.
- Look at the Data: Gather as much data as you can. While many people just count the leads, you’re going to want to go a step further. Measure your total ROI so you know what to do going into the next trade show.
Let Ship Critical make your next trade show a success with our experienced trade show shipping services. To learn more about what we can do, contact us today.