Preventing Shipment Damage: Tips That Can Help to Prevent Shipping Damage

Shipment damage. It’s easily one of the most costly problems your organization can encounter, and in the world of medicine, it can prove problematic on many levels. Shipment damage can occur for a variety of reasons, but putting an end to the problem is an absolute must. These tips can help.
Use The Right Packaging: If you’re using a box that’s too small or too large for your items, you’re certainly going to find shipment damage down the road. The items in the box should almost fill it, but you should have just enough space for some kind of cushion. Surround those items on all sides with the right cushioning materials. Bubble wrap may work for some items, but it may be an issue for others, so do some research to uncover that perfect packing material.
Pack Correctly: Did you know there are ways you should and shouldn’t pack items? Fragile items should always be stood upright. The top of an item should face the biggest side of the box, too. Box cutter orientation is important, too, so the recipient doesn’t end up damaging the shipment when they open it. Look into some packing guidelines to help prevent further damage.
Test that Packaging: Before you begin shipping new products or utilizing a new type of packaging, you should send out some trial shipments so you can see any weaknesses in the process. Keep in mind that while you don’t have to actually ship the contents during those trials, they should have at least some similarities. If you’re talking about sharp corners or liquids, for example, you’ll want to do a test run with something similar.
Searching for a few more helpful tips? Give us a call before shipping. We’d love to help you get your products or samples to their destination safely.