The Critical Aspects of Medical Shipping

Sending medical materials requires a sensitivity toward those materials to ensure safe, intact delivery. The ability to ship anatomical things such as stem cells, blood, or tissue opens up amazing possibilities in the medical world: people and businesses can help one another from larger distances, whether domestically or internationally. To ship those things requires sharp, consistent, knowledge of how the materials interact with their environment. Whether your shipment involves fragile medical equipment or a donor’s bodily fluids, we take care of each interrelated aspect in the shipping process.
✯ Temperature. Knowledge of how anatomical materials interact with their environment in terms of temperature is crucial to proper packaging and carrying. There are layers along the way: how the material gets first encased, and the vessel through which that encasement is carried. A proper handle on degrees keeps materials safe and useable once they reach their destination.
✯ Packaging. We handle things from well crafted objects to aid in the medical field to a donor’s blood and tissue, which of course need different kinds of containers to hold them properly. This cannot be a haphazard process or the carefully designed machinery or delicately given anatomy will ruin along the way. People imagine once the technology for new medical equipment comes to fruition, or when blood is donated, that problems can be solved. Shipping, however, is a critical component in that process– getting the items to where they need to be in mindful packaging keeps their potential use possible.
✯ Timing. Temperature, packaging, and delivery to the correct locale in space are all necessary, but timing can be critical, too. We work with businesses to meet their timing based needs; we offer versatile shipping options depending on what the material is and what it’s going to be used for.