Shipping Logistics Issues We Can Help You Solve Now

We’ve come a long way since horseback delivered telegrams, or pieces sent out into the mail without the ability to track whereabouts. “Snail mail” has turned into a different creature– one that’s quicker, more predictable, and with a traceable route. However, with new efficiencies also come new logistical complexities, and opens further issues to solve.
With so much tracking capability, perhaps it seems odd that an inbound shipment could evade visibility in some ways, but it can. One reason a business might still be made to wonder where their materials are is because a larger system requires more moving workers and pieces along the way. At ShipCritical, we make it a priority for each part of the process to communicate with one another. You shouldn’t have to call 10 different people in charge of different aspects of shipping to see where your delivery is. We know that for shipment to work smoothly, communication down the entire supply chain is key.
As essential as communication through the chain is, it’s equally essential that we communicate as a whole to your business. A shipment should be thought of as moving directly from sender to receiver, and both parties can work together to establish the most efficient route. Direct communication leads to direct exchange.
ShipCritical is happy to establish a shipping and routing program with your business to not only ensure efficient delivery, but also fair costs. Inbound shipping can get out of control without a solid plan in place, where you can see not only where your materials are, but where each aspect of the funds are going toward. This will save time, energy, and potential future problems for your business.
We understand the logistical concerns that arise through freight shipping and treat each order with attention rather than streamlining things to the point where each order becomes indistinct.