Proper Storage Needed? Not a Problem.

When attending a trade show, there are a number of factors that must be balanced in order to ensure that your company makes the right impression. The speeches are written, the personnel are ready, the tickets are purchased, and the equipment you need has been transported to the proper location. When managing expensive, sensitive equipment, there is no margin for error. This is where you rely on ShipCritical’s attention to critical details and commitment to service performance perfection.
ShipCritical is not a long-term storage company, but we do provide short-term storage between events at a trade show. Many of your products may be sensitive to heat or light, and we have the necessary equipment to store these materials. Furthermore, our high levels of security ensure that the products will be safe at all times. Storage can also be offered off-site through the duration of the event.
Personal Assistance
ShipCritical provides an on-site professional representative to ensure that your trade show experience is ideal. The trade show experience comes with enough stress. Worrying about the location, safety, and security should not cause more of it. Our helpful representatives will keep your show running smoothly and efficiently.
You understand that unexpected challenges can arise at a moment’s notice. Don’t be caught in a bind as a result of a last-minute change. By providing a ShipCritical representative who is there with you, you can be sure that your products can be where they need to be at a moment’s notice. GPS tracking also allows for real-time status updates and the added peace-of-mind that comes with the knowledge that your products are safe and secure.
Attending a trade show, you know that you have to bring your “A” game. ShipCritical understands that, and we bring our best so that you can be your best.